airfield electrical

airfield electrical contractors

airport lighting systems installation

As an 8(a) Electrical Contractor, Sawyer Services provides, installs, and maintains all aspects of airfield lighting and signing systems. These include Medium and High Intensity Runway Lights, Vault and Regulator Systems, Precision Approach Path Indicators (PAPI), Runway End Indicator Lights (REIL), Automated Weather Observing Stations (AWOS), Glide Slopes, Localizers, and Medium Intensity Approach Lighting Runway Alignment Systems (MALSR). Minimizing impact on client flight operations and meeting FAA guidelines and regulations are critical components of airport work, due to the highly technical nature of airport operations. Our past performance in airfield lighting and electrical systems has given us an understanding of and practical experience in these areas. Due to the sensitivity of flight operations, Sawyer Services ensures flexibility to minimize disruption to flight plans; this includes operating at night and on weekends as needed. Working at an active airfield is an enormous responsibility, and it is one that Sawyer Services is willing and capable to manage.

Due to the sensitive nature of airport work, a management team with experience in airfield operations ensures that safety protocols are adhered to both on and off the airfield to ensure smooth operations. Runway safety is one of the most important requirements for workers on the site to be briefed on and familiar with, and through coordination with the airport authorities, Sawyer Services ensures that not only are the airport authority’s safety protocols adhered to, but that additional protocols enacted internally are also followed. The coordination, protocols, and failsafe measures are all in an effort to keep workers on the airfield and those in the air safe.

airfield lighting installation

Approach Lighting Sytems

Upgrade your approach lighting to LED and save 65% in energy costs.



  • Approach Lighting Sytems

  • Ground Based Navigational Aids

  • Airport Lighting Systems

  • Communications     

  • Skilled Operations Services

  • Runway Lighting

  • Airfield Lighting and Signage

  • Airfield Lighting Electrical Vault Buildings

  • Underground Infrastructure

  • Airfield Lighting Control Systems

  • Electrical Maintenance Contracts

 Prior airport experience includes work at the Selfridge Air National Guard Base and work with the Wayne County Airport Authority at the Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport (DTW), Willow Run Airport, and Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal Airport.

At the Willow Run Airport, Sawyer Services worked directly on the airfield and runway; this included open cutting the runway to direct bury conduit to upgrade and connect Precision Approach Path Indicators (PAPI). This effort was successful through coordination with the FAA, airport authority, and Sawyer Services to shut down the runway for a set time.

Additional work with the Wayne County Airport Authority at DTW involved work off of the airfield; Sawyer Services was contracted to remove and replace lights at the ramps on Dingell Dr.; this replacement was coordinated with the prime contractor and the Wayne Country Airport Authority – including halting work to prevent disruption to traffic during spring break.